シングル (シングル ステージ) フォーエバー ロングボア スプリングス
- 在庫あり、発送準備完了
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Ajazz Diced Fruit Banana や Invokeys Black Sesame などの最も人気のあるスイッチにあるものと同様の、軽くて長いスプリングを求める多くのリクエストをいただいています。
そこで、Kebz N Cables Single Forever Longbois をお届けします。 1段55g、長さ20mmのスプリング。各パックには 110 個のスプリングが含まれています。 kthxbai。
these springs certainly feel on the stiff side. other than that, no ping nor junk sounds and does what they're supposed to be. they did make my hmx macchiato and canglan sound deeper
Single (Single Stage) Forever Longbois Springs
These are just fantastic. Little to no discernible crunch or pinging stock, and once oiled are perfect. Swapped 55g 20mm into my Cotton Candies and found them great, built a board with 45g Browns and they are just exceptional. Light and crisp but still top-heavy enough from the extended spring. They don't dethrone 55/57 TX longs for me but for certain switches they absolutely pinch the crown
Picked this up in the bundle with ice kachangs, to swap with my ktt kang whites. Awesome spring, just make sure to lube them!!!
Good stuff