KTT ヒヤシンス リニア スイッチ
- 在庫あり、発送準備完了
- 途中の在庫
私たちのお気に入りのコンテンツ クリエイターの 1 人であるBobblingPanda は、最近中国で休暇を過ごし、西側ではほとんど知られていないものの、極東では話題になっているスイッチをたくさん持って帰ってきました。彼は私にサンプルパックを送ってくれました。そして、KTTヒヤシンスという名前の、バタンと音を立てる長いポールリニアがあり、それが私にとって本当に際立っていました、そしてここにいます。
数量 1 = 10 スイッチ。
仕様: :
スイッチタイプ: リニア
上部ハウジング材質: PC
底部ハウジング材質: PA66
ステム材質: 変性POM
操作力: 45g
ボトムアウト力: 56g
プリトラベル: 1.9mm
総移動量: 3.5mm
thocky sound profile. the springs are quite lightweight but snappy at the same time, really enjoyable. One thing to note is that they are not factory-lubed at all, so you'll have to lube them yourself. worth it imo, one of my top switches
Need a little bit of work out of the box but otherwise not bad at all !
one of my fav linears!
After doing various sound tests, these switches really came out on top! Completely stock there is some scratch but no spring or leaf ping at all, with some 105 on the springs and 205 on the housings and stem these switches sound incredible.
I have compared these to yangs, cream sodas, and haluhalos, and found that the most comparible switch to them is the haluhalos. In terms of volume these are much louder as they have a long pole stem and slightly different housing materials, the springs although actuation and bottom out is different, the iconic haluhalo creamy pop is still there, and even better. I would say these switches have beaten one of my beloved favourites and if I had to pick one over the other, I would go for these long pole goodness switches.
Gopolar Yangs: Higher pitched, less stem wobble, creating a cleaner and clackier sound signature.
Cream sodas: deeper and slightly more muted.
I recommend picking these switches up if you are after a creamy pop sound signature on the higher end of the pitch spectrum. 9/10 switch experience.