Keebz N Cables - Keyboard Switches - Wuque Studio Switch Series Sampler - Keebz N Cables
Keebz N Cables - Keyboard Switches - Wuque Studio Switch Series Sampler - Keebz N Cables


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  • 在庫残りわずか - 5個のアイテムが残っています
  • 途中の在庫

WS Switch に興味はあるものの、どの WS Switch を購入するか決めるのに疲れて分析が麻痺していませんか?私たちはあなたをカバーします。

合計 8 つの固有のスイッチが含まれています。

  1. WSレッド
  2. WSイエロー
  3. WSブラウン
  4. WSヘビータクタイル
  5. WSサイレントリニア
  6. WSサイレントタクタイル
  7. WSクォーツ
  8. WS モランディ


Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Nathan Fox

A great way to get a feel for these switches. They're better than I expected. I'd recommend trying them out.

Jun Man Soo

Fun switches to try

William Kho
WS Switches - Everything you need

The variety of switches that Wuque Studios have produced with Haimu is insane, and they have everything in their arsenal that you could need. Gone are the days of trying Cherry switches on plastic keyboards to find out your likes— Grab yourself a WS switch sampler and you're set.

Ranging from classical switch types such as Browns and Reds, you've got the traditional switches down with less wobble and more smoothness than classic Cherry switches. For a bit of spice, why not try the Morandis or Quartz? They'll have your board looking clean and sounding great; Or maybe you don't want sound? Try the silent family of switches, utilizing Haimu's revolutionary silencing technology that lends the switches none of the problematic mushiness that comes with a lack of sound.

Wuque Studio switches are amazing. My only regret is that I couldn't have started my journey with them (they were out of stock :P).

Jason Haiad
Great switches, love the heavy tactiles especially

Surprisingly decent switches tbh I wasn’t expecting to be wowed but I love the tactility on the brown and the heavy tactile

Ethan Phang

WS Switch Series Sampler
